Project: NUSave

NUSave is a desktop budgeting application used to manage an individual’s budgets and expenses. NUSave can hold multiple budgets, of which each budget holds multiple expenditures. The user interacts with it using a command line interface (CLI), and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 20,000 LoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project:

  • Feature : Added ability to create a budget in NUSave. PR #47
    • What it does: create allows the users to create budget with its name and threshold value into NUSave.
    • Justification: This feature allows users to create and store budgets in the application, an essential component of NUSave.
  • Feature : Added ability to edit budget in NUSave. PR #151
    • What it does: edit allows the users to edit a budget’s name and threshold value in NUSave.
    • Justification: This feature allows users to edit a specific budget’s name and threshold value in the application, an essential component of NUSave.
  • Feature : Added ability to view help in NUSave. PR #68
    • What it does: help allows the users to view the help commands in NUSave.
    • Justification: This feature allows users to view all command help instructions in NUSave.
    • Highlight: This feature displays a different set of help instructions depending on which page the user is on. For example, if the user is on the main page, it will display unique command to the main page, such as open a budget and create a budget command.
  • Feature : Added ability to sort budgets in NUSave. PR #139
    • What it does: sort allows the users to be able to sort budgets in NUSave.
    • Justification: This feature allows users to sort all budgets in NUSave either by their name in alphabetical order, or their created date with the latest on top.
  • Feature : Added ability to sort expenditures in NUSave. PR #141
    • What it does: sort allows the users to be able to sort expenditures in NUSave.
    • Justification: This feature allows users to sort all expenditures in a budget either by their name in alphabetical order, or their created date with the latest on top.
    • Highlight: The implementation can be challenging as I need to implement different Comparator for the sort command while abiding by the OO principle.
  • Feature : Added ability dynamically to view the current date and time in NUSave. PR #75
    • What it does: Dynamically updating the date and time in the main page view, info box UI component of NUSave.
    • Justification: This feature allows users to track the current date and time while managing their budgets.
    • Highlight: This enhancement affects the UI component of NUSave by rendering the current date and time. It also generates a unique greeting message depending on the time of the day. The implementation too was challenging as it required the understanding of the Java Thread class.
  • Code Contributed: RepoSense Link
  • Project Management:
  • Enhancements to Existing Features:
    • Added the ability for edit expenditure to edit expenditure tags: PR #272
      • What it does: edit expenditure tags allows the users to be able to edit tags on expenditure in NUSave. - Justification: This feature allows users to replace and change tags on specific expenditures in a budget, an essential component of NUSave.
    • Added NUSave icon to application UI interface: PR #267
  • Contributions to Documentation
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for Symbols, Syntax format and Command summary section.
      • Added documentation for the features help, create budget, edit budget, sort budget and sort expenditures.
      • Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation by including emoji for annotation.
      • Created and annotated all NUSave screenshots. PR #212
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added documentation for Setting up and Logic component in Design Architecture
      • Added implementation details for Create Budget, Edit Budget, Sort and Help command with their respective sequence diagram and activity diagram.
  • Community:
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for another team (T09-2) in the class during PE dry run (examples T09-2 issues 116-141)
  • Tools:
    • Created UI mockup for our application using Figma. PR #21

  • Contributions to Developer Guide (Extracts):

    3.2.2. Logic component

Structure of the Logic Component

Figure Architecture diagram of the Logic component.


Logic uses the MainPageParser and BudgetPageParser classes to parse user commands. This results in a Command object which is executed by the LogicManager. The command execution can affect the Model (e.g. adding an expenditure). The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is passed back to the Ui. In addition, the CommandResult object can also instruct the Ui to perform certain actions, such as displaying help to the user. Create Budget

This section elaborates on the CreateBudgetCommand.

The command occurs in the Main Page of NUSave and results in the specified budget being created in NUSave. This command therefore requires a compulsory name to specify the name of the budget to be created.

The following sequence diagram shows the interaction between the Logic component and Model component of NUSave depicting a scenario when the user wants to create a budget for his Temasek Hall Basketball CCA by entering the command create n/Temasek Hall Basketball p/100.

CreateBudgetCommand Sequence Diagram

Figure Sequence diagram of the CreateBudgetCommand.

Lifelines with a destroy marker (X) should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

  1. The LogicManager uses the MainPageParser to parse the given user input.
  2. The MainPageParser will identify the command given by the user and pass the user input down to the CreateBudgetCommandParser.
  3. The CreateBudgetCommandParser will create a Budget with the given parameters name and threshold from the user input.
  4. The CreateBudgetCommandParser will then create a CreateBudgetCommand object with the created Budget object as the input parameter.
  5. The CreateBudgetCommandParser will then return a CreateBudgetCommand object.
  6. LogicManager will now call the execute method in the CreateBudgetCommand object.
  7. The CreateBudgetCommand will now call the addBudget method of the existing Model object and add the Budget object created into NUSave.
  8. The CreateBudgetCommand then returns a CommandResult indicating the successful addition of the Budget object.

With the above sequence, a budget will be successfully created by the user in his NUSave application and will be reflected on the user interface.

  • Contributions to User Guide (Extracts):

    5.2.1. Creating a budget: create

    (Contributed by Yu Ming)

Format: create n/NAME [p/THRESHOLD]

Prefix Parameters Requirement Comments Constraints
n/ NAME Required Name of the budget Limited to a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters
p/ THRESHOLD Optional Target threshold of the budget Must be a positive value less than $1,000,000

You can use this command to create a new budget with the given NAME and THRESHOLD.

When you create a new budget, it will be displayed as a budget card in the list view.

📕 You can create a budget with no threshold to simply track your total expenses.

⚠️ You can only create a maximum of 100 budgets.

✏️ Example: create n/Temasek Hall Student Council p/1200

This will create a new budget called “Temasek Hall Student Council” with a threshold value of $1200 as seen in Figure below:

Example of create budget command

Figure Example of using the create budget command.