Project: NUSave

NUSave is a desktop budgeting application used to manage an individual’s budgets and expenses. NUSave can hold multiple budgets, of which each budget holds multiple expenditures. The user interacts with it using a command line interface (CLI), and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 20,000 LoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project:

  • Feature: Added ability to delete budgets.
    • What it does: delete allows for users to delete specific budgets, when it is no longer necessary or when they have made a wrong budget.
    • Justification: This feature allows for the application to not become overly cluttered with unused budgets, and improves the overall neatness of the interface.
  • Feature: Added ability to delete expenditures.
    • What it does: delete Allows for users to delete specific expenditures, when it is no longer necessary or when they have input a wrong expenditure.
    • Justification: The feature allows for individual budgets to only have the relevant expenditures, and improve the overall neatness of the interface
  • Feature: Added ability to edit expenditures.
    • What it does: allows for users to edit expenditures of the specific index, granting them the ability to change, the name, price and tag of an expenditure
    • Justification: Improves the app significantly saving the users time in not having to delete and recreate an expenditure when there is a field to change.
    • Highlight: Users are able to choose multiple fields that they wish to edit at one go, the challenge was to be able to enable different combinations of field they wish to edit while still being able to detect when no fields have been added.
  • Code Contributed: RepoSense Link
  • Project Management:
  • Contributions to Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the commands delete budget, delete expenditure, edit expenditure,exit.
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added documentation for introduction, use cases.
      • Added preface for Add Commands, Delete Commands, Edit Commands.
      • Added Sequence Diagrams for Edit Expenditure, Add Expenditure, Delete Budget, Delete Expenditure.
      • Added Activity Diagrams for Edit Expenditure, Add Expenditure, Delete Budget, Delete Expenditure.
      • Added Implementation details for Edit Expenditure, Add Expenditure, Delete Budget, Delete Expenditure.
  • Community:
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams during PE dry run PED link

Contributions to Developer Guide (Extracts):

4.3.3. Edit Commands

This section describes the details surrounding events at which users would wish to edit information from NUSave. Specifically, editing can happen in two areas; when a user wishes to edit a budget from the Main Page, or when a user wishes to edit an expenditure from a budget within the Budget Page. Edit Expenditure

This section explains the Edit Expenditure Command.

The following activity diagram to shows the events that occur when the user executes the Edit Expenditure Command.

AddExpenditureCommand Activity Diagram

Figure Activity Diagram for edit expenditure command.

The following command results in the specified expenditure of the particular index to be edited within the Budget Page. As such, this command requires a compulsory index to specify the particular expenditure, along with a field at which the user would like to edit (NAME, PRICE, TAG).

Only when the index is valid (within the range of existing expenditures), and the user provides at least one field to be edited, does the command execute successfully.

The following sequence diagram shows the interactions between the Logic and Model components of NUSave, depicting a scenario where the user would like to edit the first expenditure on his/her list, and change the previous NAME, PRICE and TAG to Basketball, 50 and Ball accordingly.

EditExpenditureCommand Sequence Diagram

Figure Sequence diagram for delete edit command in budget page view.

  1. Beginning with the LogicManager, the LogicManager hands the given user input to the BudgetPageParser to be parsed.
  2. The BudgetPageParser will identify the command given by the user and create an EditExpenditureCommandParser.
  3. The BudgetPageParser will pass the user input into the newly created EditExpenditureCommandParser.
  4. The EditExpenditureCommandParser will create an ExpenditureIndex with the given parameters index from the user input.
  5. The EditExpenditureCommandParser will then create an EditExpenditureDescriptor with the given parameters of name, price and tags.
  6. The EditExpenditureCommandParser will then create an EditExpenditureCommand with the Expenditure Index and EditExpenditureDescriptor.
  7. The EditExpenditureCommandParser will then return the EditExpenditureCommand object back to the LogicManager.
  8. LogicManager will now call the execute method in the EditExpenditureCommand object, with the Model as a parameter.
  9. The EditExpenditureCommand’s execute method will now call the editExpenditure method of the existing Model object passed in and update the Expenditure with a new Expenditure object within NUSave.
  10. The EditExpenditureCommand then returns a CommandResult indicating the successful editing of the Expenditure.

With the above sequence, an expenditure will be successfully edited by the user in his NUSave application, and it will be reflected on the user interface through the successful CommandResult and updated budget list.

Contributions to User Guide (Extracts):

5.3.3. Editing an expenditure: edit

Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PRICE]

Prefix Parameters Requirement Comments
- INDEX Required Index of the expenditure displayed on NUSave
n/ NAME Optional Name of the expenditure to be edited to
p/ PRICE Optional Price of the expenditure to be edited to

You can use this command to edit the expenditure at the given INDEX.

When you edit a expenditure, the information on its expenditure card will be updated immediately.

⚠️ Although both NAME and PRICE fields are optional, the command must include at least one of these prefixes.

✏️ Example: edit 1 n/Long Sleeve Shirt p/20

This will rename the expenditure at index 2 to “Long Sleeve Shirt” with price “$20” as seen in Figure below:

Example of edit expenditure command

Figure Example of edit expenditure command